
How to withdraw money from a Capitec ATM

Withdrawing money from a Capitec ATM used to be very confusing for me, especially when I was a new Capitec user. This is a step-by-step guide on how to withdraw money from a Capitec ATM.

There is nothing more frustrating than standing in line for a long time only to be confused by an ATM. This used to happen to me a lot, to the point that I would ask some people to withdraw the money for me. This is something that you might relate to, it gets easier as you get used to it.

Know the ATM you are working with

There are different types of ATMs, some have buttons and others are just a touch screen while others only allow you to withdraw money in R100s. It’s very important to know which one you are dealing with. This was the most confusing part for me, sometimes I would press the wrong buttons, then start panicking when it’s not going according to plan, especially when there are people in line.

Some ATMs don’t allow you to withdraw money at all. Always read the signs at the top, “withdraw” should be one of the options.

Insert your card

Calmly walk up to the machine and insert your Capitec Bank card, make sure that the is inserted in the right way. However, I always tell people to press the cancel button before inserting the card. This is something I do as a safety precaution because of scammers.

Capitec will request you to enter your PIN as soon as you have entered your card, enter your PIN and click on the Enter button, which is usually green.

Choose Your preferred option

In order to withdraw money, you will have to click on the “Savings account” option. This is much easier if you are using a touch screen. If not, click on the button that is next to the option, these buttons are right next to the screen; positioned vertically on either side.

Withdraw your money

This will take you to the withdrawal screen, where you will have the option to enter the withdrawal amount that you like. There are already some popular options on the screen, just click one of them if your amount is one of them. It will start withdrawing then ask you whether you want to print the receipt or not, which is up to you.

Wait for the card to come out, take your money and press Cancel once again on the machine. This will be the end your withdrawal journey.


This was a guide on how to money from a Capitec Bank ATM. Do you have any thoughts or questions? Comment below.

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