Having a bank account with no monthly fees is something that some of us appreciate. We often use these bank accounts to save up money; which usually doesn’t earn enough [ … ]
Category: Banking
Can I open a bank account online without going to the bank?
Going to the bank to open a bank account can be a tiresome process; you have to deal with lines and a lot of paperwork. It’s also inconvenient for people [ … ]
Can I open a bank account with no money?
Some people wait till they have money before opening a bank account. It might happen that you are in town and think of opening an account but don’t have any [ … ]
What are the benefits of TymeBank?
What are the benefits of using TymeBank and should you even try it? I have just recently opened a TymeBank account and these are some of the benefits that originally [ … ]
What is a money market account and how does it work?
A money market account is a great way to save money and earn interest. They typically offer high yields in interest than traditional savings accounts. Money market accounts are not [ … ]
Best tax-free savings accounts in South Africa
Tax free savings accounts allow you to save your money and earn interest on it without paying tax. Interest on investments is treated as regular income and is taxed. Tax-free [ … ]
Which bank has the highest interest rate for a fixed deposit in South Africa?
We reviewed the major banks in South Africa to find out which bank has the highest interest rate for a fixed deposit. This comes after we did a similar study [ … ]
Which bank offers the best interest rate for savings in South Africa?
Savings account are a great way to save up money for some of the important things while earning interest. It’s very easy to withdraw money from a savings account, most [ … ]
Best bank to invest money in South Africa
There are a lot of banks in South Africa, choosing a bank that’s best to invest your money in can be overwhelming. We looked at all investment assets that are [ … ]
What is a credit card and how does it work?
A credit card allows you to purchase things on credit, it is usually issued by banks and other credit providers. Using a credit card is often the best way to [ … ]