
How to transfer money from Nedbank to Capitec

Transferring money from Nedbank to Capitec is easy when using the Nedbank App. This is a guide on how to transfer money from Nedbank to Capitec Bank.

Using the Nedbank Money app

It’s much easier to do this transfer using the Nedbank money app, you can download this app from your app store. Here is a guide on how to transfer the money.

  • Tap on Transact.
  • Tap on Pay.
  • Tap on Single payment.
  • Enter recipient information.
  • Select bank.
  • Enter account number.
  • Enter amount to transfer.
  • Select payment date.

Nedbank generally gives you three options when transferring money, you can either make a single payment or pay a government body or make an international transfer. Choose the single payment option. Only enter the recipient information if you had not previously entered it or you don’t have the number saved on your contact list.

If the number is saved on your contact list, then simply select their number and everything else will autofill. Select the bank that the recipient uses, in this case it should be Capitec Bank. Enter the account number of your recipient.

You can also save the recipient information so that you can just tap on their name next time you want to make a payment. Enter the amount of money that you want to transfer, click on Insta pay if you want the payment to be done immediately.

You will be charged a fee, the normal transfer period from Nedbank to Capitec is usually more than 2 days. Also choose from which account you want to transfer the money; Nedbank will display your default account. Enter a reference if you want to and simply make the transfer.


This was a guide on how to transfer money from Nedbank to Capitec. Do you have any thoughts or questions? Comment below.

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